What up doe?! If you’ve been using boosted posts to promote your business on Facebook and Instagram, it’s time for a change. With the new 30% Apple service fee for boosted posts on iOS apps, switching to Ads Manager is not just a smart move—it’s essential. Let’s dive into why Ads Manager is your best bet for getting the most out of your ad spend.

The Apple Service Fee: What’s the Deal?

Starting next month (July 2024), if you boost posts using the Facebook or Instagram iOS app, you’ll be hit with a 30% service fee retained by Apple. This fee applies before any taxes and local fees, making your ads more expensive. To dodge this fee, you can boost posts through Facebook.com and Instagram.com on your desktop or mobile web browser. But there’s an even better solution: Ads Manager.

Why Ads Manager is the Real MVP

Boosted posts might seem convenient, but they come with limitations that can hold your business back. Here’s why Ads Manager is the way to go:

1. Advanced Targeting

Boosted posts offer basic targeting options, but Ads Manager lets you get super specific. Create custom audiences, retarget previous visitors, and use lookalike audiences to find new customers who are similar to your best ones. This precision ensures your ads reach the right people, boosting engagement and conversions.

2. More Ad Objectives

Boosted posts are limited to simple objectives like post engagement and link clicks. Ads Manager, on the other hand, offers a variety of objectives, including lead generation, conversions, and app installs. This flexibility helps you align your ad campaigns with your specific business goals, whether it’s driving sales or increasing brand awareness.

3. Creative Control

With Ads Manager, you have extensive customization options. Create carousel ads, video ads, and slideshow ads, and add detailed descriptions and call-to-action buttons. This creative freedom allows you to craft compelling ads that resonate with your audience.

4. In-Depth Analytics

Ads Manager provides detailed performance analytics, so you can track conversions, measure ROI, and optimize your campaigns in real-time. Boosted posts only offer basic insights like reach and engagement, which aren’t enough for making data-driven decisions.

5. Cost Efficiency

Avoid the 30% Apple service fee and leverage Ads Manager’s advanced features to get better results with the same budget. Ads Manager’s flexible budgeting options help you control your ad spend more effectively, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.

Making the Switch to Ads Manager

Transitioning from boosted posts to Ads Manager is easier than you think. Here’s how to get started:

1. Set Up Your Ads Manager Account: If you haven’t already, create an Ads Manager account and link it to your Facebook and Instagram pages.
2. Define Your Objectives: Outline your advertising goals, whether it’s increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales.
3. Create Custom Audiences: Use Ads Manager’s advanced targeting options to create custom audiences based on your existing customer data.
4. Design Your Ads: Use the creative tools in Ads Manager to design engaging and visually appealing ads.
5. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review your ad performance using Ads Manager’s analytics tools and make adjustments to optimize your campaigns.


Boosted posts have been a go-to for small businesses, but with the new Apple service fee and the limitations of boosted posts, Ads Manager is the clear winner. By switching to Ads Manager, you’ll gain advanced targeting, more ad objectives, creative control, in-depth analytics, and cost efficiency. Make the switch today and take your advertising to the next level.


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